dinsdag 21 september 2010

Noordland versus Carrie Dingle

-Het stoomschip "Noordland", behoorende tot de "Red Star Line"van Antwerpen naar New-York, kwam gisteravond te Southampton aan, nadat het te 8 uur des avonds in botsing was geweest met de goelet "Carrie Dingle"thuis behoorende te Liverpool. De "Noordland"heeft zware schade bekomen en de "Carrie Dingle"is gezonken, doch de bemanning gered.
The steamship " Noordland (North Country) ", belonging to the "Red Star Line" from Antwerp to New-York arrived last night in Southampton, after it had been at to 8 hours in the evening in  clash with the goélette" Carrie Dingle "home belonging to Liverpool. The "Noordland " suffered heavy damage and the "Carrie Dingle" has sunk, but the crew has been saved.

"This steamship was built by Laird Bros. of Birkenhead for Red Star Line. She weighed 5,212 gross tons, had a length of 400 feet and a beam of 47 feet, one funnel, four masts, and a single screw. Her service speed was 13 knots. There was accommodation for 63 first-class, 56 second-class, and 500 third-class (steerage) passengers.
Launched on 11 January 1883, she began her maiden voyage on 29 March 1884, sailing from Antwerp, Belgium to New York City. She began her last sailing on this service on 9 March 1901. She was then chartered to the American Line, with accommodations altered to carry 160 second-class and 500 third-class passengers. She began sailing a Liverpool-Philadelphia route in April 1901. Beginning on 28 March 1906, she made two round-trip voyages on the old Antwerp-New York route, then resumed service between Liverpool and Philadelphia. She made her last voyage in this service in 1908, and was scrapped later the same year."